Absolutely not! There is no cure for Alpha-gal at present. The SAAT treatment, in our opinion, is an immune enhancement treatment designed to remind the body's immune system what to do with this allergy. One way to think about it is this: In our area of Virginia, every fall thousands of people are having allergy problems with ragweed. Sneezing, runny nose and red eyes give them away every time. Yet thousands of people are smelling the same air but not reacting. The difference is the immune system! Some people have a system that knows what to do with the allergy. At The Harbour Clinic, we've performed hundreds of these treatments each year enhancing the immune system of our patients with incredible success.
No, the treatment is not guaranteed. It is highly successful for many and we do not know our actual success rate because in order to do that with honesty, you'd have to have everyone you've ever treated tell you their results. However, here's what we can say with certainty...we've seen people in our clinic from 28 counties in Virginia and 6 different states. Each week people come into The Harbour Clinic and tell us they know two or three people or more who have been to us and have gotten their lives back. For that we are grateful.
No, the treatment is very benign. At our clinic we do this with children as young as 4, 5, or 6. If young children can receive this without being frightened, most assuredly, adults can. Besides, the pin we place is not placed into your ear vertically, but it goes in horizontally just under the skin like a splinter. Most people are astonished that it's in when we say "all done".
No, it's not, and we don't know where this rumor started. The nature of acupuncture is rarely one treatment although SAAT has an amazing record for not requiring additional treatments. Everyone's immune system is different, that's why so many people have a variety of symptoms that are different from someone elses. It breaks our heart when we hear someone say, "It didn't work for me." Generally, these people got a treatment from somewhere other than our clinic, from someone not certified, or from a highly priced clinic that requires a high price to return.
Not so at The Harbour Clinic. After the three weeks the pin is in and removed, if you are not satisfied with the result of your treatment, we will repeat it for $100. A small percentage of our patients need this boost and the goal at The Harbour Clinic is your health, not charging outrageous prices.
$225 inclusive. That's the treatment and a removal of the pin or pins and a retest three weeks after having placed the pin in your ear. (Yeah, I know....others are way higher)
At our clinic, we generally place fewer than three pins at a time. Most often, one or two. Dr. Soliman, the originator of the treatment, said in his seminar that if you can address the allergy with one pin, then you should do it. Our perspective from classical acupuncture is that you only do what the body asks you to do.
Now, that being said, there are two more things to consider. First, what condition your immune system is in. Those with weaker immune systems can't really address multiple allergies at once in our estimation and experience. That's just an empirical experience we've had. The second is a number of practitioners are charging additional fees for extra pins placed. This practice makes us uncomfortable. It's asking a lot of the body, but this is America and people can charge what they want.
We have awesome results because we are focused on the things that are creating havoc with your immune system. If we determine that we can address multiple allergies for you, we will.
We will replace it free of charge one time. ( Yeah, I know...nice huh?)
Yes. That is possible, but extremely rare. We will instruct you about the signs to watch for and if one or more appears, you will remove the pin so it doesn't get infected. Then, after it settles down, we'll repin you free of charge. Can't beat that, can you?
NO! They vary so much. So what we're going to tell you is what we've experienced in our clinic over the last 4 years. G.I. distress, headaches, body fatigue, numbness, rashes, hives, burning feet, neuralgia, vomiting, explosive diarrhea (about 34% of our patients), anaphylactic shock, rectal bleeding, body aches, joint aches, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, lips swelling, nausea, severe or intermittent itching, heartburn, heavy limbs. We've also heard of people who take a bite of meat and pass out.
There's a wonderful website called Alphagalinformation.org. They have gone to a lot of trouble to put out a whole lot of information from the complicated to the simplistic. You can also learn about some precursors or triggers of the allergy that you might not have known about. There are numerous Facebook (Meta) pages but my favorite is Alpha-gal Kitchen. We like to go there to see how people are coping and what they are finding to eat safely.
Probably! Let's just end this by saying the business plan at The Harbour Clinic has always been to put our patients first...not money. Our goal is to help as many people find health as we can, with a smile on our faces and a listening ear, at a reasonable price. Two Acupuncturists, licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine, who have been certified in the SAAT treatment longer than anyone in the area. Give us a call today!
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